{% import '_includes/forms' as forms %} {{ forms.checkboxField({ label: "Purify HTML?"|t('ckeditor'), instructions: 'Removes any potentially-malicious code on save, by running the submitted data through HTML Purifier.'|t('ckeditor'), warning: 'Disable this at your own risk!'|t('ckeditor'), id: 'purifyHtml', name: 'purifyHtml', checked: field.purifyHtml, toggle: 'purifier-config-container' }) }} {% if craft.app.db.isMysql %} {{ forms.selectField({ label: "Column Type"|t('ckeditor'), id: 'column-type', name: 'columnType', instructions: "The type of column this field should get in the database."|t('ckeditor'), options: [ { value: 'text', label: 'text (~64KB)' }, { value: 'mediumtext', label: 'mediumtext (~16MB)' }, ], value: field.columnType, warning: (field.id ? "Changing this may result in data loss."|t('ckeditor')), }) }} {% endif %}